Three years ago I began a collection and compilation
of several HOFFMAN/HUFFMAN families for the purpose of
helping other HUFFMAN researchers find their ancestral
roots. This is in the nature of a clearing house rather
than written genealogies of the various families.
Most of the information has come from individuals-
-some is documented, some merely cites sources. The
data is intended to act as research tools, not as proof
that what is presented is documented. However, some
historical background is given, and will be so noted.
History is not to be played with. If anyone has documentary
evidence that what appears in the history books is incorrect,
then that evidence must be detailed as to what it is,
where to find it, how reliable the source, etc. "He said,
she said," will not be acceptable. Incidentally, as of now,
the Huffman Compendium database contains over 25,000 names.
Most of us are aware that this surname has many variant
spellings, some of which are British in nature (such as
HOUGHMAN). However, my research has dealt primarily with the
German families of the name, and a couple of basic facts
should be addressed
(1) The name HUFFMAN is an Americanization of the German
(2) The name is quite common in Germany; we should no more
expect every immigrant of the name to be related than we do
every SMITH, JONES and JOHNSON. Some of the following
families may link, but there are no guarantees.
George, Henry, John, William (or Georg, Henrich,
Johannes, Wilhelm) are extremely common given names in the
German families, and given the size of the families, all
may often appear in the same family. This makes our task
of identifying even harder, so we must be doubly wary of
jumping to conclusions. Whether the families were Catholic,
Lutheran or Reformed one naming practice was common.
Example: Using the above names as an example, three of
the sons, Georg, Henrich and Wilhelm, probably had Johann
preceding their names (i.e. Johann Georg--or Hans Georg,
Hans being a diminutive). The fourth son, Johannes,
usuallly had no other name; he was the one known as John
in English. Johann was a church or baptismal name, and
was in some cases a church requirement. However, no one
should be locked into this. Like all generalizations,
there are exceptions.
So saying, the families on file follow. In each case, I
may be reached at the e-mail address above. Where possible,
I will also give primary contacts with persons or records or
websites, etc. Please note that major collateral families
given below, are major in my records, not necessarily all
appearing in the line.
Rudolph Huffman of Frederick Co., MD. and Washington Co., PA.
Rudolph is believed to have been born ca 1732 in Germany.
He had two sons, Henry and John, by a first marriage to an
unknown wife. In 1758 he married Dorothy WEISZ in Frederick
Co., MD. Our records indicate they had 11 children. They
eventually settled in Washington Co., PA., where Rudolph
died in 1794 and Dorothy in 1813. Their progeny, of course,
spread far and wide, including one branch into Ontario Can.
Early researchers believed Rudolph to be a son of Hans
Peter and Maria Appolonia (LAEY) HOFFMAN who arrived in
America in 1733. [Please see below, correcting Appolonia's
name to TRAUT.] Peter and Appolonia first settled in
Lancaster Co., PA., had at least one daughter there before
moving to Frederick Co., MD. Further research has made the
relationship with Rudolph highly unlikely--also highly
unlikely that a John, b 1728, recently learned about, was
a son either.
(1) The ship on which Hans Peter arrived in 1733, the
"Eliza," accordingly to Rupp's "Thirty Thousand Names...."
listed all males on the passenger list, but those under the
age of 16 were listed separately. Hans Peter was the only
male HOFFMAN listed on board the ship. It is not likely that
Rudolph, ae. 1, and John, ae. 5, would have been left behind
when their parents came to America--and the early researchers
were not suggesting that they were.
(2) In the August Court 1750, Frederick Co., MD., appeared
the following: "Memorandum: -- Frederick ONSELT, George LOY
and Michael RAMAR --of Frederick County, farmers, entered
into and executed a certain writing obligatory in £182 [182
lb] currency money to be paid unto Elizabeth, Mary, Appolonia,
Barbara, George Peter, Rosina and Mary Magdalene on condition
that the above bounden Frederick ONSELT should pay to the
above-mentioned persons respective parts of their deceased
father John HUFMAN's estate." Hans Peter is shown in most
Frederick Co MD records as John; this is his estate. Note
that only one son, George Peter, is mentioned in this
litigation. Even if it included only minor children, Rudolph
would have appeared on the list (18 yr in 1750).
Now comes information that makes this even more unlikely.
In a genealogy recently received, "Grace L. Tracey and John
P. Dern, Pioneers of Old Monocacy: the early settlement of
Frederick County, Maryland, 1721-1743," published by
Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Baltimore, Maryland 1987,
is stated, "Soon after his arrival Hans Peter HOFFMAN married
his shipmate Maria Appolonia TRAUT." So very obviously,
neither Rudolph, born 1732, nor John, born 1728, are sons of
this couple. Nuf sed. But I must also correct my statement
above that Appolonia was a LAEY; this statement gives her
maiden name as TRAUT. I personally have not seen the original
of this, but have no reason to doubt its veracity.
If anyone has documentation that either supports or
our findings, we would appreciate the information--but
remember, only documentation, not hearsay.
Major collateral families: SWAGLER, DAGUE, HOOSIER, MILLER,
William Huffman, now of Kansas City MO, worked on this
Rudolph line for many years, and did indeed put out the first
"Compendium of HUFFMAN Families." He has recently retired
from active participation, but has turned his records over
to Tom Pine and Nancy Martin Either or both would be happy to answer
questions or help make connections to the line where
George Hoffman/Huffman of Ten-Mile Country (Greene Co.,
PA.) and Henry Huffman of Berkeley Co., PA.
These two are believed to have been brothers, and
possibly brothers of Rudolph above. Some land records
indicate that a John HUFFMAN owned land next to Rudolph
in Washington Co and was his nephew. Recent findings also
indicate that the father of the three men may have been
named John. Henry was the one who married Catrouche FREY.
Major collateral familes: IAMS, POLANSKY, STEWART, STOUT.
The best sources of info here are the owners of this
website, Susi and Helen, who are descendants. Most of my
information has come directly from them.
Hoffmans from Prague, Bohemia, to Upper Franconia, Bavaria,
to America.
If various sources are to be believed, this is a large
family transplanted to America. The earliest records begin
ca. the Year 1250. Peter arrived in America in 1739, settling
first in Berks Co., PA., later to Dauphin Co PA. The family
of his son, Johann Nicholas, in particular, later settled in
Monongalia Co., now WV., a number of descendants settling in
At least one branch of this family settled in NJ, later moving
to NY.
Hans Georg, born 1689 Bavaria, died 1755 NC. His family
arrived in PA., but shortly afterward removed to NC, settling
in Burke and Gaston Cos., NC., later to KY., and from there
into AR., IL., etc.
Major collateral families:
While there are a number of primary records to be found
in our compilation, we have no primary individual as source
for this line. Data has come from family histories, county
histories, World Family Tree (not necessarily reliable) and
there is one large file on the RHYNE family file in the AOL
Genealogy Forum Library.
Hofmann/Huffman from Eisern & Siegen, Nassau-Siegen,
Westfalen, Prussia.
John/Johannes of Germanna, Spotsylvania Co., VA., and brothers
Henry and William.
This is a huge file and continues to grow daily. Who were
in the group of 42 persons who comprised the First Germanna
Settlement, Spotsylvania Co., VA., when and how they got there,
is a matter of history. Later generations, as in most
genealogies, do contain discrepancies due to a lack of
complete records. However, the original settlers in both the
1714 and the 1717 wave of colonists remain essentially
Church and civil records of Nassau-Siegen bear out the
exodus of families in 1713 (at their own expense) headed for
the New World, presumably the Carolinas. They arrived in
London only to find themselves stranded by those who were to
sponsor them. Eventually, by indenture, they were rescued by
Spotswood, then Lt. Gov. of VA. They arrived in VA in 1714.
Johannes HOFMANN, born 1692, eldest son of Johannes and
Gertrud (REICHMAN) HOFMANN, a young unmarried man, was among
the 1713/4 wave of settlers. His first marriage (in 1721) was
to Anna Catherina HAEGER, daughter of Rev. John Henry HAEGER,
who was of the group. His brother, Henry, born 1708, arrived
with his family in the same general area, i.e. Culpeper Co.,
VA., sometime between 1740 and 1745.
At this point, we must address another published
misconception. The "Grace Tracey" info, mentioned in the
Rudolph segment above, with references to a book by Phebe
Campbell Hyatt called "Phebe Campbell Hyatt's Huffman Family
Tree," seem to be the major sources for the genealogical
errors following:
Generation No. 3 -- John HOFFMAN (Hans Peter, Hans Georg
HOFFMAN) was born 1728 in probably Germany. Please, people,
above, the book had already stated that Peter and Appolonia
were married AFTER they arrived in America in 1733--therefore
a John born in German 1728 could not have been their son.
However, the note #28 states that John Huffman was born about
1738 and died 1807. Then, Note #26 states "The lone son of
Hans Peter Hoffman was Johann Georg Peter Hoffman, born
November 4, 1743. Georg Lay (Loy) and his wife Elizabeth,
also residents on 'Tasker's Chance,' were his baptism
sponsors." The last statement agrees with the records of the
Monocacy Lutheran Congregation and its sucessor, Evangelical
Lutheran Church, Frederick, Frederick Co., MD. The claim that
interests us most, however, is that this Johann Georg Peter is
the same as a John HUFFMAN who settled in Culpeper Co., VA.,
dying there in 1802--and is THE "Founder of Virginia Line."
There are a number of records continuing in MD on a Georg
Peter who could be Hans Peter's son, so the statement that
he went to Culpeper Co VA is iffy.
I do not dispute the fact that a John HUFFMAN may have
left MD and settled in Culpeper Co., VA., that his
descendants may have gone to KY., later to TX. Nor do I
dispute that this same John may have served in the
Revolutionary War in 1776. Further, I do not dispute that
he may have been the Founder of ONE Virginia Family--but
there is no such thing as a HUFFMAN founder of THE Virginia
family. Not all Virginia HUFFMANs are connected.
What I do deny, catagorically and any other way necessary,
is that this John had ANYTHING to do with John of Germanna-
-that is, if he was born in Germany or MD. He was most
assuredly not the one who decreed his two Bibles be passed
around to his ten sons.
(1) John of Germanna died in 1772 so could not have served
in the Revolution in 1776.
(2) John of Germanna was born in 1694, so could hardly be
confused with John b in 1738, 1743, or whatever.
(3) Fourteen children of John of Germanna are listed
(presumably from the Bible) as children of this John born
later--HOWEVER, very conveniently the dates of birth of these
children as appearing in the Bible are not shown, nor are
they shown in order. Three of the 17 children of John of
Germanna had died before he did. The following 14, are by
years of birth:
3. Anna Catherine, 1725 11. George, 1739
4. John II (or Sr), 1727 12. Frederick, 1740
6. Nicholas, 1731 13. Henry, 1742
7. Michael, 1732 14. Tilman, 1744
8. Jacob, 1733 15. Elizabeth, 1746
9. Paul (Baltz, Balthazar), 1735 16. Anna Margaretha, 1748
10. Wilhelm, 1737 17. Maria, 1751
Please count; you will find ten sons listed here. Several
of these children are older than John of MD. There are other
discrepancies appearing in the erroneous genealogy, but no
need to carry this further. This apparently is in part
purported to be a genealogy of Lyndon Baines Johnson, and if
so, may have been professionally written for context. It
cannot be construed as documentation.
John of Germanna and his brother Henry had another brother
who came to America: Wilhelm, the youngest of the family,
arrived in 1741 in Lancaster Co., PA., later moving to York
Co., PA. Accompanying him and his wife were their two
surviving sons, Johannes and Johann Heinrich. They had at
least one son, Jacob, after their arrival in America.
My personal opinion--and this is NOT documented--is that
Henry HUFFMAN, born 1739, who lived in Lancaster Co., PA.,
and whose descendants lived first in Clark Co., OH., later
in Huntington and Wells Co., IN., is the same as Wilhelm's
son Johann Heinrich. Again, there is no proof, but any
documentary evidence--pro or con--would certainly be
Major collateral families: BACK, FOLTZ, HOLTZCLAW, KOONTZ,
For information on the HUFFMAN families in Huntington and
Wells Co., IN., the best contact is David Huffman who also lives in that area. The
Memorial Foundation of the Germanna Colonies in Virginia,
Inc., P.O. Box 693, Culpeper, VA. 22701, have published
several books on the two waves of Germanna colonists, some
of them specific genealogies (#3 is John HOFMANN & #5
deals with the 1714 Colony). For much, much info and
history of Germanna, go to [If you wish to return to our
pages you must use back button on your browser.]
and click on John's Germanna Notes (compiler John
Blankenbaker). There are almost 450 notes online now, and
packed full of info on Germanna and Nassau-Siegen. For
information on Daniel, son of George, son of John of Germanna,
who settled in Shenandoah/Page Co VA, contact Melvin L Miller,
MILGENCO, 625 Riverbend Road, Stanley VA 22851-9738. Melvin,
who lives in the area, has been working for years on the church
records, mostly of St. Paul's Lutheran Church. He has compiled
and printed a genealogy on Daniel and his family, among others.
Henry Hofmann/Huffman from Bockseifen, Nassau-Siegen,
Westfalen, Prussia to Little Fork, Culpeper Co., VA., in 1734
There is no known relationship between the HOFMANNs of
Eisern/Siegen and Bockseifen. Henry has often been confused
with John's brother Henry, but they are two different people.
In addition to Culpeper Co., VA., his descendants may be found
in Barren, Fayette and Hardin Cos KY, Green Co., IL., etc. At
present this file is fairly small, but we are building on it
Major collateral families: AMISS, SETTLE, SPILMAN.
Again, we have no primary individuals to reference. However,
much can be found from census records, county vital records,
etc. Also contact the Memorial Foundation of the Germanna
Colonies in Virginia as referenced above with John of Germanna.
Christian Huffman and wife Christena Gochenour of
Shenandoah and Page Co., VA.
Christian HOFFMAN/HUFFMAN is believed to have arrived in
America in 1792 on the ship "Fame." No earlier records
have been found on him. The first record that can be directly
connected with him is a 1798 deed record on land near Luray,
now Page Co., VA. Christian and Christena had eight children.
Many of their descendants continue to live in the Luray area
Major collateral families: BAKER, BRUMBACK, FOLTZ,
Although I have some knowledge of this family (they are
connected to my own PRINTZ and LOUDERBACK families), the best
authority is Melvin Miller of MILGENCO, listed above under John
of Germanna. Last year he compiled and printed a genealogy of
this family, much of it based on church records, cemetery
records, etc., of the community itself, his residence being in
Stanley close by. An update is planned for this year, but
because of a health problem may be a little late.
Frederick Huffman of Shenandoah and Page Cos., VA.
Though they lived in close proximity, Frederick and Christian
HUFFMAN are not known to have been related. There was much
intermarriage between the two families, but no other
connection. There has been some speculation, because of
intermarriage, that Frederick's family may have been connected
to that of John of Germanna, but again, no evidence to that
Frederick is believed to be Frederick III, son of Frederick
Jr. of Hempfield Tp., Lancaster Co., PA., son of Frederick Sr.
who arrived in America in the early 1700's. But this is still
theory. Many of his descendants remained in the Page Co. area.
At least one family of descendants settled in MT.
Major collateral families: BLOSSER, HERSHBERGER, JUDD, VARNER
Some information several years ago from a Howard Huffman of
Salem OR. However, most has been gleaned from census and
cemetery records.
Simeon LeGrand Huffman of Shenandoah and Page Cos., VA.
Yes, this is another one from that area. He was born in 1814,
Shenandoah/Page Co., VA. In his later years he and family
(except son Albert Solon) moved to IN, living variously in
Adams and Wells Co. Simeon died in IL in 1885. There was,
incidentally, another Simeon HUFFMAN in Wells Co., at the same
time, a descendant of John of Germanna.
We have tentatively decided that this Simeon dropped
unannounced from the sky. No one has been able to find a trace
of his origins; some of his descendants continue to live in the
Page Co. area. One and all will be eternally grateful for any
clues to his background.
Major collateral families: DOVEL, FOLTZ, HOUSDEN, KEYSER
Melvin Miller, mentioned above, has been working on his family,
but nothing has been published so far.
George Hoffman of Chester Co., PA.
George Hoffman was born ca 1734 in Germany, died 1829, West
Whiteland, Chester Co., PA. Some of the family did branch out
from Chester Co., but a goodly number remained. To date nothing
has been found on his origins.
Major collateral families: ALEXANDER, BROUGHTON, FISHER, MOORE
For additional information on the family, contact Robert Hadley In a recent e-mail, he states that he now
has 1020 direct descendants in his database. He expects to
publish his HOFFMAN family history in January 1999.
Benjamin Huffman of TN., IN. and MO.
Benjamin Huffman was born 1781 TN, died in 1860. The family
moved, settling first in IN. One of his sons, Peter, was
stolen by Indians in 1812, retrieved ca 1827, but was a
restless wanderer from then on. This file is mostly about
Benjamin's youngest son, Milton Rufus, who settled in MO.,
Clinton Co.
Major collateral families: BRUCE, FRANS, KIRKPATRICK, LINDLEY,
Very little research activity on this line recently. Originally
part of William Huffman's "Compendium," information from a book
by descendant, Yvonne Huffman of Raymore, MO.
Thompson Huffman of VA and Morgan Co., OH.
This is a very small file, and is placed here only because it
is my own HUFFMAN family. Thompson was born in VA (possibly
Greenbrier Co) in 1794. He is believed to be the same as Thomas
HUFFMAN who married Margaret LEMMON in Botetourt Co., VA. in
1820. The family was in Morgan Co., OH., by 1840. Nothing has
yet been found on his origins.
Major collateral families: The file is so small, we can't
separate major lines.
Anyone with questions or information may contact me.
Miscellaneous Families
The above represent the major families in the Compendium file;
there are number of miscellaneous families represented, too.
These we have possibly as many as three generations. We are
always looking for more data on these families. We believe some
of them may connect to our established major families, some
may be later found to be "major" themselves. Through continued
research, we have already been fortunate enough to connect a
few to existing families.
Briefly, the families are:
Frederick & Barbara HOFFMAN, believed to be from Baden, Ger, to
NY--descscendants settled on Long Island.
George & Elizabeth HUFFMAN - Augusta Co VA, 1700's.
Henry & Margaret HUFFMAN - Descendants lived in Muskingum,
Fairfield & Monroe Cos OH; believed to have come from Greene Co
PA, 3 known children remained there: Jonathan, Elizabeth (who m
Andrew COON) and Mary Ann.
Frederick HUFFMAN, known in Garrard Co KY, some descendants to
Putnam Co IN--may be connected to Frederick of Shenandoah/Page
Noah & Uriah HUFFMAN, believed to be brothers, in Coshocton Co
OH--may be connected to family of Rudolph.
John & Catherine HUFFMAN, in Todd Co MN, 1880 Census--may
connect to Rudolph.
John & Mary HUFFMAN in SC & GA, 1800's.
John Washington & Emma Jane (ALIFF) HUFFMAN - Family of son John
Demosthenese, b 1850 IN, to Smith & Osborne Cos KS, OK and TX.
Melvin & Elizabeth (YEARLING) HUFFMAN, ca 1850, settled
Ontario, MI & IN.
John & Osa (KELLY) HOFFMAN, lived WV, 1 grandson Stingley in
Barbour Co.
Andrew HUFFMAN, b ca 1820, Family in Botetourt Co & Roanoke VA,
possibly connected to those in Shenandoah Co VA or those in NC.
Since Frederick of Shenandoah and Benjamin of TN are in this
database, I don't know the actual number of persons in this
Miscellanous group, but probably no more than 1000 for the
complete list above. Most of them do have primary contacts
which I will be glad to furnish. There are several other
families to enter, one or two who may be major lines: Henry of
Berks Co, no known connection to Peter of that area; two or
three Fredericks of NY not known connections of the other
Frederick of the area; a Conrad of NJ, just to name a few.
No other info until they are entered. Any help will be greatly
Have been bombarded with mail past few days--no time to check
out the material you sent on George. After I have gone thru it,
made corrections, etc., I will be glad to send the file to
you. Two options: I can send gedcom or snail mail. I have
installed the newest Brother's Keeper which will convert a
report into rich text, but unfortunately, does not have rich
text in the program; that would have to be separate software.
Have had glowing reports from those who have visited your
Website. Very highly impressed--and so am I!
Helen, you mentioned wanting to get the site listed in several
places. On the URL I gave you for the Germanna Notes, is a link
should be of interest. It is called "Genealogy Personal Home
Pages;" the URL is: go to [If you wish to return to our pages
you must use back button on your browser.]
Not only does it have a lot of Home Pages listed, you also have
the option of listing yours. You might like to check it out.
This has a lot of traffic since it is connected to the very
popular Germanna page.
For the Germanna Notes themselves, I have found a better site
for extracting them: Sgt. Geo. who runs the Germanna lists has
them on a URL by themselves.
They are in groups of 25 Notes (instead of 50) and has a
complete index of each group and of the entire file. This is
called "Germanna History" by John Blankenbaker. The URL: go to
[If you wish to return to our pages you must use back
button on your browser.]
I have been trying to find Sgt. Geo's Germanna Home Page, but so
far no luck. The URL I had for it comes back with a "404 file
not found" error, so have to keep looking. I believe this is the
one that has the Germanna news-sharing lists in toto back two or
three years. However, in looking, I did find another which may
serve the purpose at least just as well. It is a surname search
of these lists. The URL: go to [If you wish to return to our
pages you must use back button on your browser.]
January 1999
Have made an interesting discovery. This has not been documented
by me, so still tentative, butprobably correct.
In the huge family of HOFFMAN which originated in Bohemia, later
Bavaria, their descendants are the ones who landed in NC, Berks
& Dauphin Cos PA, NJ and NY. Martinus, whose family went to NY,
and his son Nicholas are ancestors of Franklin Delano
Roosevelt! I haven't checked the tree thoroughly yet, but
suspect it is a ROOSEVELT tree; only direct line is shown from
Nicholas down to FDR.
(The following are all miscellaneous, not major lines as yet)
MICHAEL HUFFMAN, born 1785 VA, settled Carroll Co TN -
Descendants settled in TX and points West. His wife's name was
Milly. I received this over a year ago, but mislaid it until
recently. Primary contact: Kathy Nystrom (
CONRAD HUFFMAN - born 1715 Germany, married a Ms KUYKENDALL, lvd
first in NJ?, later Hampshire Co VA (now WV). Some of his
descendants went to Pickaway Co OH & Grandview, Edgar Co IL.
Those known were BEATTY descendants--probably less than 50
represented. At present the bulk of the info is from a WFT
submitted by a Mr Nielson (whom I have not yet contacted) and
covers the descendants of Conrad's son Benjamin & wife, Sarah
CUPPY. They had 10 children. Locations: AR, MO, and dau
Elizabeth's family (m Samuel STRONG) was mostly in the
SAMUEL LEWIS HUFFMAN - born 1855, Washington Co IN; died 1943,
Vigo Co IN. He married 1876, Washington Co, Rebecca MONICAL, d/o
Samuel & Mary (DRYDEN) MONICAL. Had at least six children.
Their known descendants mostly in IN, in Washington, Jackson,
Knox and Vigo Cos. This MONICAL branch was descended from the
PRINTZ/PRINCE family of Shenandoah Co VA. In 1860, Samuel, 5, Wm
Henry & Sylvan Morrris, twins, ae 3, were in the hshld/Lewis 60,
b PA), and Elizabeth (55, b OH), Washington Co PA, who were
probably the grandparents of the three boys. On the same page
(152) were the families of Abraham HUFFMAN, 46, b OH, and John
HUFFMAN, 37, b IN. In 1850, Lewis (55) & wife Matilda (45, b NY)
with their family were in Marion Co IN (Matilda & Elizabeth may
be the same person). Abraham (spelled Abram) and his family
were in Dearborn Co IN. There was a John in Lewis' household, ae
23, who may be the same as John, ae 37, in 1860. No other info
at this time.
Maryland - all WFT's, submitters have not yet been contacted
PHILLIP HOFFMAN/HUFFMAN - born bef 1795 MD, lived Somerset Co
PA, married to Barbara MILLER. Most of their known descendants
remained in PA - from WFT #1-1244.
JOHN HOFFMAN of Frederick Co MD, b 1755 - married twiced: (1)
Catherine GIBBS; (2) Elizabeth STEINER. Some descendants to LA,
MO and TX; many remained in MD - from WFT #1-1181.
GEORGE WASHINGTON HOFFMAN, born 1821, Frederick Co MD. He m/1
Lydia ANDERSON; m/2 Isabel KRAMER. Had 11 known children.
Descendants lived in NY & OH - from WFT #1- 5875.
Subject: New discovery
Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 23:41:44 EST
Helen & Susi,
Made an interesting discovery last night. This has not been
documented by me, so still tentative, but probably correct.
In the huge family of HOFFMAN which originated in Bohemia, later
Bavaria, their descendants are the ones who landed in NC, Berks
& Dauphin Cos PA, NJ and NY. Martinus, whose family went to NY,
and his son Nicholas are ancestors of Franklin Delano
Roosevelt! I haven't checked the tree thoroughly yet,
but suspect it is a ROOSEVELT tree; only direct line is shown
from Nicholas down to FDR.
Question: Would you like me to send in an update periodically
on progress?
This probably would include miscellaneous families only if I was
able to match them, and any other major lines discovered.
By the way, in the original Synopsis, I gave you the URL for the
Website that had Blankenbaker's Germanna notes. When I sent you
the Miscellaneous Families, I gave you the URL for a second,
better Website. Have just discovered that the original one is
now showing a "404, not found," but the new one is still good.
FYI, that URL again is:
(Is possibly repeated above, but didn't want to leave out
anything. HSD)